Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Father's Day

We had a low-key Father's Day this year. We made a special breakfast for Drew Sunday morning that included both sausage and bacon, because according to Eliana we needed the bacon because "bacon has the crispies." Then in the evening we just relaxed and hung out together. It was a nice day!

I am so thankful for Drew and the great father he is. He loves Eliana and she knows it. He does fun things with her that are both girlie (dancing and playing mommy and daddy) and not so girlie (fixing things around the apartment and building stuff) and he works to discipline her and train her in the ways of the Lord. I am a blessed lady!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

She is such a girlie-girl! And so cute at it! It is so encouraging to hear moms praise the abilities of their children's dad.