Friday, May 13, 2011

38 Weeks

Okay, so somehow this post didn't show up yesterday and I just realized it.  I really know that I wrote yesterday and I really thought I posted it.  Oh well.  Who knows?

Anyway, we made it to 38 weeks!  Here's my pic...

i'm feeling pretty large and in charge these days!  The main thing this week has been continued increased hip/pelvic pain, but if you see my post about Eliana it's because she's even lower in my pelvis now.  It doesn't bother me all the time, just when I walk for awhile.  It does hurt me when I first stand up or get up out of bed but other than that I'm good.  I'm continuing to do my workout videos and not holding back with the thought that if it helps get things moving then, great.  Bring it on!  It also is helping me combat my "improved" eating habits mentioned in the other post.

I've finished making our freezer meals, got my hospital bag mostly packed, read all my books, got my questions about the hospital answered and the apartment is cleaned.  Now we just keep waiting.  We have two friends coming to visit us tomorrow and Sunday so I'm looking forward to that and would like her to wait until they leave.  I've not started having any contractions but am having a bit more lower back pain so we'll see.  The waiting is half the fun, right!

So yeah, that's the scoop.  Getting closer!


Christina said...

you did post it! I read it. :) Blogger had some issues yesterday and many recent posts were taken down for some odd are not crazy, don't worry!

hope you're still feeling well and that baby comes soon!

Drew and Leslie said...

Thanks! That makes more sense. Glad to know the craziness isn't totally here yet! :-)

Bran said...

lifting you up! So excited to meet Baby Eliana!