Friday, November 24, 2017

Jadon at 21 Months!

Well, life is pretty crazy right now as we prepare for our time in the US but I wanted to get this post up before we left. It's hard to believe Jadon is 21 months old! He's getting more and more fun all the time and it's so cool to see him growing and changing. I love his sweet personality and how he interacts with Eliana. He'll play right with her in her little pretend-play games and he'll also work to annoy her or make her laugh. Last night she was calling to him from the bathtub and he'd go and open the door and stick his head in and growl at her. It's too cute!

This little boy is on-the-go all the time! He's almost running and one of his favorite things is running into your arms. He knows that when it's time for Daddy to go to work that it's time for him to run into his arms and tell him bye for the day. He also LOVES a ball and will stand and kick one for 5 or 10 minutes before getting bored. He also enjoys throwing balls. He LOVES being outside and we have to make sure the door is locked or he will escape and try to get up or down the stairs. He's quite brave and loves fast slides and climbing up high things and jumping into our arms. He also likes to ride on scooters and tricycles.

Jadon is becoming more and more verbal all the time. He's good at repeating words and animal sounds but he doesn't say much on his own. "Amen", "shoes", "go" and just recently "mama" are pretty much all he says without prompting. He readily signs for "more food please" and "all done". He makes lots of noises and understands and follows commands quite well. He knows where to get his milk and the granola bars from the fridge. He loves to get out plates and cups from the cabinets and try to speed along the cooking process. Did I mentions he also LOVES eating? No lack of eating in his life, that's for sure. He is picky at times but mostly always eats really well. He likes to play with his fork like it's a knife or sword or something and stabs his food on his plate when he's done. He's up to around 29 pounds- solid little guy!

We're finally through that hard phase of pushing through a morning nap. Now he mostly goes down for a nap between 12 and 12:30 and sleeps 2-3 hours usually. He's in bed around 7:30 and sleeps until 6 or 6:30. I give him his milk and his books and he stays in his bed until around 8. Of course Eliana is there for entertainment when she wakes up. He does enjoy reading but it's still work to make it through a book before he gets bored. He's not really pointing to things yet either but he can put some simple puzzles together. He also loves building with blocks but knocking them down is still the most fun I think.

Jadon isn't very defiant and mostly acts out of anger when he's frustrated. He generally listens pretty well and has started hanging his head or turning around and facing a wall when you reprimand him. We pop his hand when does something he shouldn't and it doesn't phase him too much most of the time. We're still learning what will work for him and how he handles discipline.

Jadon is such a beautiful gift to us! We're so thankful for him and look forward to seeing him continue to grow and develop. We're not looking forward to a 12-hour plane ride though so you can pray for that to go amazingly well and that he'd sleep a lot! 

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