Tuesday, October 4, 2016

7 (and a half!) months!

We've made it through another month! Jadon is growing by leaps and bounds! We just weighed him here at home this week and he's up to around 18 pounds now. He's gained about four pounds since his 6-month check-up! He loves to eat! We're mostly doing pumpkin, pears, peas, plain yogurt, apples and bananas. We got some baby puffs in a package in the mail and he likes them but can't put them in his mouth yet. I've given him some small pieces of bread but haven't done anything else yet.

Jadon loves to sit and play with his toys. He loves pulling them out of bins. He also still enjoys the exercauser and still doesn't enjoy tummy time. He just whines and complains. He also doesn't roll from his back to front yet either. Seems to be too much work for him. He does like to stand next to furniture some and reach for things. He also doesn't love the Bumbo with the tray on it but maybe once he starts feeding himself he'll like it better.

He is still such a laid back and smiley boy. He hardly cries except when he's hungry or tired. He's also a noisy eater- grunts and moans until he's full. He's been up and down over the past few weeks with his night time sleeping but can go from 10 to 7:30, though that's happened only once. We'll get there! He is now on a pretty solid four-hour schedule during the day for nursing though so that's wonderful.

He loves Eliana and they have lots of fun playing together in their room. He sits and she plays and he seems to have fun. I'm enjoying seeing their relationship grow. I'm so smitten by my little man! He just brings me so much joy! He is beautiful and perfect and just the sweetest addition to our family. What a gift!

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