Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pie Crust Success

So I have never been able to get the hang of making pie crusts and while living in the US I never really had the motivation to try too hard because I could find perfectly acceptable crusts in the freezer section of my local grocery store.  Well, luxuries like that are not to be found in Central Asia.  I've attempted to make a few in the past but they never turned out well.  They'd be lumpy or too wet or something else.  As a result I've been discouraged to try again and haven't made one in awhile.

Well, when Bianca came she brought me several cans of pumpkin that Julie sent so I decided it was time to make pumpkin pie, which would require me to try once again to make a crust.  I was determined to make it work so yesterday I got a recipe given to me by a friend and tried it.  I slowly and thoroughly incorporated the butter into the flour using my pastry blender (which I highly recommend!) and then carefully added the cold water, just adding enough to let it come together (in the past I think I've added too much water).  Then I carefully divided the dough into two pieces, put some flour out and rolled it into a nice almost circle.  It was so easy and looked great and came together perfectly!  I was so proud!  Now I don't know how to make fancy edges but overall it looked wonderful and tasted great too when it was cooked.  And the best part is that I have another one in the freezer for next time.  I think the key was being slow and deliberate, something I'm not always good at.  I can officially say I can make pie crust and it's not painful!  It's amazing what you can do when you have no other options!  Here's to many more pies in our future!

Here are a few pics of my pretty crust!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Your crust looks good! A no-fail, quick & easy recipe that I've used for YEARS: 1 c. flour, 1/2 c. shortening, 1/4 c. water (double it all for a double crust pie). You don't have to be careful, you just cut in the shortening, mix in the water, roll it out with plenty of extra flour.